Situated at the intersection between economic sociology and political sociology, my research explores political and social ramifications of the economy.
My analyses are often theory driven but always interested in capturing and understanding social reality as it empirically unfolds.
My research emphasizes the role of discourse and ideas, power relations and institutions, temporality and future orientations and dynamics and crises. In addition to capitalism in its multiple manifestations, my current research projects also address the topics of sustainability and the European Union.
I use both qualitative (discourse analysis, interviews) and quantitative methods (quantitative text analysis, correspondence analysis, cluster analysis), often combined in qualitatively driven mixed methods approaches. Most of my empirical studies adopt a historically comparative perspective in order to capture ruptures and continuities.
Futures Drifting Apart
Brexit, the Crisis of the European Project, and the Power of Exhausted Promises
Times of Crisis.
Temporality, time horizons and imagined futures in the face of societal crises.
Gute Wirtschaft, schlechte Wirtschaft.
Ökonomische Imaginationen im politischen Dekarbonisierungsdiskurs
Economic Sociology of War
upcoming projecet
© Lisa Suckert 2025
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